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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
​                                                               Toddler Class - Age 2

Students enrolled in our Todder class will be introduced to colors, shapes, numbers and letters along with a weekly theme. They will also be taught to be independent and self-reliant. Toddlers are striving for independence and have reached a child's first real milestone. They have grown into the mobile stage and are walking and exploring their fascinating environment. Their curiosity is endless! The Toddler's natural inquisitiveness is encouraged and nurtured. WALC's Toddler staff strives to ensure a safe, secure, and loving environment. Since Toddlers learn through play and exploration, we give them the space, age appropriate materials and stimulation they need to help quench their thirst for exploration. Our Toddler room is designed to be self-contained, and a completely separate refrigerator and food preparation area. There are plenty of toys, equipment, art supplies, blocks and books. There is always lots of love given to all by our Toddler staff.



















                                                             Preschool Class - 3 to 4 Years Old Program


Preschoolers are all potty trained and ready to conquer the world! Classrooms are overflowing with challenging toys and equipment that offer a stimulating, colorful environment. This is the setting for fun and learning where WALC children can be independent and exercise a variety of personal, social and emotional skills. We also encourage problem solving, cognitive as well as symbolic thinking, math concepts and logistics. Blocks and other mathematical manipulatives promote planning, problem solving, concepts of physics and creative thinking. Art projects promote creativity and self-expression while music instructs our preschoolers in learning musical concepts through songs, games, hymns, rhythm, instruments and group ensembles. Dance and movement promote physical fitness and coordination. Our preschoolers are also introduced to Fun With Phonics®, an early reading program. WALC teachers read various boons to our each month which they use daily to learn reading and writing readiness and shape/letter/color recognition. WALC preschoolers have opportunities to help make sense of their experiences and develop an understanding as to who they are while learning to care about others.












                                        PreKindergarten 5 to 6 Year Old Program


Our Pre K classroom is designed for students that are advanced. Our curriculum is a planned to give every child the tools and skills needed before they enter into kindergarten. The Pre K classroom comes alive with our Pre K songs and animated videos! Students our introduced to site-words, books, ABC's reading and writing their names, new letters, colors, shapes and numbers. Children will learn math, science, literacy and social studies. Activities in our Pre Kindergarten room include: circle time, music with instruments, arts and crafts, math skills, early literacy with read along books, science activities, learning centers, story time, sign-lanquage, language art and Spanish, outdoor play and much more!




Enroll Your Child Today!

    Call 609-883-3979

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